In 2010, she was nominated for a US state department woman of courageaward.
Kylie Minogue has been honoured with a courageaward at a cancer charity benefit in Beverly Hills.
Alex Foley, now aged six, received a National Children of Courageaward two years ago.
Last spring, Slauson was named winner of the Bears' Ed Block CourageAward, as well.
Three years later he received Arthur Ashe CourageAward presented by tennis players Venus and Serena Williams.
Rahman is the youngest of seven war heroes posthumously conferred Bangladesh's highest gallantryaward for their role in the freedom struggle.
The duchess - a trained scout volunteer - also met youngsters who had received gallantryawards for their bravery.
Four members of the New Zealand Army have been decorated for their service in Afghanistan in GallantryAwards in this year's Special Honours List.
A separate list, that does not appear to be involved in the breach, covers gallantryawards for police, ambulance and fire staff and military personnel.
The honours list consists of knights and dames, appointments to the Order of the British Empire and gallantryawards to servicemen and women, and civilians.